SmsGupshup Subscription Gadget For Your Blog Or Website
Recently, i have share post "How to send New blog post updates Through sms?" basicly this tips is based on google sms channel. Yesterday, i was searching out the Internet and i found one amazing tricks for you all, that is "SmsGupshup Subscription Gadget for your blog or website" Now question raised in our mind that " Why should we place this in our site or blog ?". the answer is so simple SMS GupShup is a free group social messaging service that allows user to share and connect with friends and fans in India via SMS and website, which having more than 65 million subscribers. if you adopt this gadget for your site, you can attract more traffic for your blog/site. Many a time reader miss the updates just because of they doesn't having Internet facilities. so here is the tips through which you are able to share news and updates via sms. For the same you must need SmsGupshup Account. by following step you can creat your account on it.
Step 1 : Join Go to and click on "Sign Up" in the top right hand corner of the screen.Step 2 : Fill in your details and agree to the terms and conditions.
Step 3 : Verify your mobile number.
Step 4 : Create your own SMS group.
Step 5 : Start using the service.
- Click on "subscribe" button in following gadget.
- Entre Your Mobile Number. Click on "Go" button.
- You will be notified that message is send , Click "Next" button.
- After few second you will receive confirmation codevia SMS in your cell. Verify your code.
- And your Subscription is Successful message will appear.
Step 1: Login Into your blogger account. Step 2: Click on "Layout" button form drop-down menu. Step 3: Now click on "Add a Gadget". Step 4: Select "HTML/JavaScript".Step 5: Now in Title field add title of your Gadget e.g: Our SMS Channel. Step 6: Copy and past following code In content field :<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0" height="220" id="GupShupSwf" style="clear: left; float: left; height: 220px; width: 200px;" width="200"><param name="quality" value="high"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="flashvars" value="group=tipsviablogging&bg=FFFFCC&fg=333333"><param name="name" value="GupShupSwf"><param name="src" value=""><param name="align" value="left"><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff"><embed id="GupShupSwf" style="width: 200px; height: 220px;" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" bgcolor="#ffffff" name="GupShupSwf" flashvars="group=tipsviablogging&bg=FFFFCC&fg=333333" wmode="transparent" quality="high" align="left" height="220" width="200"></object>NOTE: Replace orange highlighted Text (TipsViaBlogging) with your own group name, which you have already creaded on (You can manually change hight and width as per your requirement) Step 7: Hit "Save" button. and see your blog. :)
Thats it now enjoy it..
Note:- This gadget is not working due to technical difficulties. As you might have observe that Gupshup had close there website and redirected to due to this reson this gadget is not working any more.
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