Press Release Submission

Press Release is the most effective tool of SEO. Press Release is very helpful to increse the page visit of a site. We provide some important tips for perfect Press Release(PR submission).
Make your Headline a single sentence of well thought out, Keyword enhanced, creative, grammatically correct English, which compels a visitor to click on it.Summary:
The summary is the snippet that Internet users will first see of your press release. Make it attention grabbing and interested enough for visitors to click the headline and link through to the rest of your press release. Focus on who, what, when, where, why and how. A poor summary that doesn't entice will not get your important news read.Body:
City, State or Country, Month, Day, Year. Always begin with a correctly formatted 'Date Line', recognizing that it can take 2 days for a news wire service to approve and distribute most press releases. Expand on the information in your summary paragraph, in an interesting way. Keep the visitors attention, now that you have gained it. Avoid using Jargon, too many adjectives, complex language and long sentences. Remember to reiterate your most important message and repeat the most important keywords in the first paragraph.The body of your press release should always contain more than one paragraph. Use the second paragraph to affirm credibility. "I generally use quotes, usually in the second paragraph of the Press release that I write, to add a human factor and weight" Stated, Conor D O'Connor, CEO of Sane Systems S.L. Ensure that the quote is accompanied by information and keywords that have relevance and add value, rather than simply inflate an executives ego.The third paragraph can be used to expand more detail and include more in depth facts. Try using Bullets to:
- Expand detail in a reader friendly way
- Not repeat laborious detail
- Add Keyword Synonyms
- Provide legitimate, Keyword rich anchor text links deep into your site
- Cover broader areas of the subject matter, quickly and concisely
- Hold interest
The final paragraph of the body should always re-affirm and summarize the key points of your press release, but not repeat what has already been stated. You can include product availability, trademark acknowledgment, and finally a call to action such as 'For more information' or 'for a demonstration' please contact: accompanied by your organizations contact details.
About Your Company: This should be short and informative corporate back ground that can give an insight to your companies focus, and achievements. This should not be a detailed rendition of your organizations history, but more of a very brief mission statement along with what your company actually does.
A person in your Organization that regularly deals with media and marketing contacts.Their position
Your companies Name
Your Companies Full address
Postal Code
Telephone Number
Fax Number
Include a safe harbor statement, if applicable.
Your entire press release should be less than 2 pages of A4 and less than 600 words, 3000 characters.
Add these to denote the end of your Press release.
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