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Do Follow No Follow

IF you have doing any time of backlink than "do follow" and "no follow” important LINK in Search Engine Optimization.. These are very important terms to understand when you are trying to build great links back to your site in order to increase your search engine rankings. But, to the person who is new to all of this, it may be kind of confusing. I am going to help break it down for you. While adding a link to an anchor text, you have the option of either using a DoFollow link or a NoFollow link. Most webmasters know the different between the DoFollow and NoFollow links but there are still many that don't. 
Difference b/w nofollow and follow
nofollow is an HTML attribute value used to instruct some search engines that a hyperlink should not influence the link target's ranking in the search engine's index. It is intended to reduce the effectiveness of certain types of search engine spam, thereby improving the quality of search engine results and preventing spamdexing from occurring in the first place.
By default all natural links are DoFollow so you don't have to do anything different to place a DoFollow link. Just place a link like you usually does and it will be a DoFollow link.
Here is how the code should look for each link:

Do Follow:-
<a href="http://URL">anchor text</a>
No Follow:-
<a href="http://domain.com" rel="nofollow">anchor text</a>

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