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Creating a Full Backup of your cPanel Account

A full backup will create a zip file of your account that includes all of your files, databases, email forwarders, and any emails stored on the server. Once the full backup is created in cPanel, you can then download the backup to your computer.
Generating the one backup file may take longer, but it ensures you have a copy of everything in your account. While this may sound great, if your website is fairly large, downloading these backups on a regular bases takes a lot of time and can take up a lot of disk space. 
First, log into your cPanel and click on the "Backup Wizard" under the "Files" sub-header:

Next, click on "Backup:"

And then "Full Backup:"

Enter your email address if you want to be notified when the backup is complete (it can take up to 30 minutes or more, depending on the size of your website).  Then click on "Generate Backup:"

The cPanel will begin to backup your website, which places a zip of your files and databases in your account.  Once it is complete, you will receive an email with the link to download your backup.  It is also available in your cPanel for download in the "Full Backup" section:

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