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Computer buying help and tips

ApplicationsBuying tips and help with buying software applications
BatteriesHelp and tips with buying batteries
DesktopHelp with buying a desktop computer.
CaseBuying tips on computer cases (chassis)
CD-ROMTips and help with buying computer CD-ROM drives
CD-R/RWHelp and information on buying CD-R and CD-RW drives
CPUInformation and tips on buying a computer CPU
DVDTips and information on buying DVD drives
Flat panelInformation on buying a flat Panel display
GamesBuying tips on buying computer software games
Hard driveTips and help with buying a computer hard drive
LaptopHelp with buying a laptop computer.
MemoryBuying tips on computer memory
ModemTips and help with buying a computer modem
MonitorInformation and help with buying a standard computer monitor
MotherboardBuying tips on a computer motherboard
Network cardTips and help with buying a computer network card
PrinterBuying information and tips on a computer printer
ProcessorInformation and tips with buying a computer processor
ServerHelp with buying a server.
Sound cardTips and help with buying a computer sound card
SpeakersInformation and help with buying computer speakers
USBBuying tips on computer USB devices
UtilitiesInformation and help with buying computer software utilities
Video cardTips and help with buying a computer video card
ContactsComputer companies contact information.
CHADDAdditional help and information with installing new hardware
CH000953What hardware do you recommend or what is the best?
CH000983Where can I buy computer hardware or other parts for my computer?
CH001228What to look for when buying computer hardware and software.
CH001238Mac vs. PC
ForumIf your question is not listed here try our computer help forum.

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