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Google Adsense Is Updates Five Link Unit Ads (200 X 90 Wide Button)

oogle AdSense is the best advertising program for the website owners. Here is no substitute for Google AdSense because, it gives highest CTR rate comparing all other advertising campaigns. But all AdSense account holder are has not been able to generate sufficient clicks on it. Right choice of placement and color is necessary for generating high numbers of clicks.

Google Five Link Unit Ads (200 X 90 Wide Button)( a part of AdSense ads) is very helpful because,it always look like a valuable links of your website. The link topic is depend on the content where it placed. Google Five Link Unit Ads is also showing related ads to your blogs/page topic. Google Five Link Unit Ads attract 40% more visitors than banner ads or normal text ads. 

What is update from Google Adsense?
Well, recently google adsense is updated there "Five Link Unit Ads (200 X 90 Wide Button)" First look at the picture bellow,  Just notice the both ads title and style on it. and know what i talking about.

This is nice update from google adsense, by this update the chance of the more clicking on Ads.
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