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Prank Your Facebook Friends Using Zalgo Text Generator Tool

How will you feel when you see something scary on Facebook statuses? or something that looks like if is a bug on Facebook? Well, here i gonna share something exactly matching that same thing that will prank your Facebook friend by posting something scary/grungy text effect called zalgo text. I will provide you a link of zalgo text generator below that will allow you to generate amazing scary text that you can easily post on Facebook status even you can directly paste into Facebook chat.

Make Your Friends Wipe their Facebook Screen with Zalgo Text Generator Tool

Prank Your Facebook Friends Using Zalgo Text Generator Tool
if you wanna see live demo about how exactly this working and looks like then you have a look at this netrever.blogspot.com ‘s facebook fan page post. So, if you like this amazing effect and want to post it on Facebook to prank your friends then below are full steps for getting this effect.

1. Go to Zalgo Text Generator
2. There you will see text generator tool like below :


Zalgo text generator
3. Now, just write something that you like on first box and your new scary zalgo text will be generated in the other box right on it’s side.

4. Also you have some more option that you can configure in order to make your text effect more outstanding and look more scary, so check those too.

5. now you have to copy the text and then you can easily paste and post on your facebook timeline as statues update or into your facebook chat. :)

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