Create Horizontal Navigation Menu With Drop Down Submenus Using CSS 14:14 1 The following drop down menu is made only with CSS, is a horizontal menu with sub-tabs and the right side has a rounded search. A menu...
Expandable Recent Comments Widget for Blogger/Blogspot 14:12 0 This Expandable Recent Comments is a very accessible widget that can be collapsed or expanded through user interaction, so that now, we do...
How To Add Social Media Icons to Blogger Header 19:07 0 social networks . There are several ways to do this, like adding a new widget section to the blog header but now, we'll do it using a...
4 Alternatives to Google AdWords 19:04 0 Many think that Google AdWords is the only tool dedicated and available to perform a study such as a keyword search, but it isn'...
Redirect Blogger 404 Error (Page Not Found) To Homepage 19:02 0 A 404 error page tells you and search engines that a page is not found by displaying a text similar to it "Sorry, the page you we...