How To Add Social Media Icons to Blogger Header 19:07 0 social networks . There are several ways to do this, like adding a new widget section to the blog header but now, we'll do it using a...
4 Alternatives to Google AdWords 19:04 0 Many think that Google AdWords is the only tool dedicated and available to perform a study such as a keyword search, but it isn'...
Redirect Blogger 404 Error (Page Not Found) To Homepage 19:02 0 A 404 error page tells you and search engines that a page is not found by displaying a text similar to it "Sorry, the page you we...
Top Commentators Widget with Avatars for Blogger 18:59 0 The commentators are a fundamental part of any blog, since they are the ones that give life to the blog, opening and replying to discussio...
How to Add Adsense Ads In the Middle or Anywhere inside Blogger Posts 18:55 0 In a previous post we saw how and where we can place Adsense ads on our blog ; however, these methods would only work when we place the a...