Free App मोबाइल को बना देता है CCTV, ये है पूरी प्रॉसेस 17:54 0 आपका स्मार्टफोन आपके घर और शॉप की सिक्युरिटी दुनिया के किसी भी कोने से कर सकता है। प्ले स्टोर पर मौजूद IP Webcam ऐप की मदद से आपका स्मार्ट...
Unknown यूजर नहीं देख पाएगा आपकी WhatsApp प्रोफाइल Pic, ये है सेटिंग 17:53 0 WhatsApp में अब कई नए फीचर्स ऐड हो चुके हैं। लगातार अपडेट के चलते ऐप का साइज भी बढ़ता जा रहा है। बीटा वर्जन में इसका साइज 190MB हो चुका है...
WeChat for PC – Have fun with WeChat experience on your PC 14:54 0 Android apps are working continuously towards shrieking the world in your 5 inch phone or 14 inch PC, Laptop or other such gadgets. WeChat...
Top 5 Instant Messaging Apps and Which One Should You Go In For 14:46 1 As a wide number of instant messaging applications and services are emerging, staying connected with friends and family from all across t...
mPassport Seva Mobile App now available on Windows and Apple iOS platforms 14:30 1 mPassport Seva mobile app which was launched on Android platform is now available for both windows and iOS platforms. mPassport Seva Mobi... App Launched for Windows Phone and Devices, Book Bus Tickets ‘on-the-go’ 16:52 0 Booking bus tickets just got a whole lot easier., India’s largest online bus ticketing company – offering tickets for over 12,0...
Best Android Tablet Games in 2013 12:18 0 Mobile devices offer a number of benefits that come in handy in today’s modern world, such as the ability to work and communicate while ...
How Spy Call Apps can help you Build a Better Business 15:40 0 For starters, employers have the legal right to monitor an employee’s email and desk-phone use at work. The company can and usually does ...
Tips To Increase Internet Speed In Android Mobile 12:12 0 Internet usage increased day by day, mostly used by student for getting information on different topic. also internet used by business man...
Top iPhone Apps That Make Parenting Easier 12:44 0 Parenting is a very difficult job, entire upbringing and culture depends upon how you treat your child during their maturity stage. Pare...