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Now, apply for passports through mobile with ‘mPassport Seva’ app

Days are not far when you can apply for the passport using your handheld devices as Govt.is all set to launch a new set of passport services through its mobile application.

MPassport Seva  android-app

‘mPassport Seva’, an android application that can be downloaded at www.passportindia.gov.in , as of now provides smartphone and tablet users with a variety of services including passport application status, tracking, locating the Passport Seva Kendra among others. However, in next few months android users can even apply for a passport, pay the fee and take an appointment using the same application.After filing the application, all they have to do is go to a nearby PSK and inform them about the ‘application reference number’.

From handwritten passports to e-passports and passports through mobile, the services have indeed gone a long way and in near feature we may expect Aadhaar card integration with passport applications.

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