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How to Install capicom.dll for Windows10-32bit & 64bit

Download the respective folder as per requirement of Operating System

Procedure to install capicom.dll for Windows 10-32 Bit

1. Extract the folder to your desktop and copy "capicom.dll" and "Interop.CAPICOM.dll" to your system folder i.e C:\Windows\System32.
2.Execute batch file  "Windows7-32bit"  as administrator (right click and select run as administrator) from the extracted folder to register "capicom.dll" with Operating System.
rocedure to install capicom.dll for Windows 10-64 Bit

1. Extract the folder to your desktop and copy "capicom.dll" and "Interop.CAPICOM.dll" to your system folder i.e C:\Windows\SysWOW64
2.Execute batch file  "Windows7-64bit"  as administrator (right click and select run as administrator) from the extracted folder to register "capicom.dll" with Operating System.

3.Download for Windows 10- 64 Bit
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